Invention Connection

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Find Investors for your Patented Inventions

If you have a patented invention that you would like to sell, license or find investors for, consider featuring it on the Invention Connection website. This website is an international invention showcase for anyone who wants to cash out or sell their ideas or inventions. Invention Connection is a portal for anyone with a patent or patent pending to showcase new products to potential licensees, manufacturers, investors, distributors, etc.

All exhibitors in the website are independent entrepreneurs, small businesses or individuals who represent themselves. Invention Connection is strictly a neutral showcase, it is not an invention development firm, it doesn’t market products nor act as a licensing agent. If you don’t have a patent for your invention yet we can hold your cyber-booth until your ready with a PPA or patent pending.

You can visit the Invention Connection website to see more information:

If you need help on getting a Patent for your idea please contact Smit & Van Wyk Intellectual Property Attorneys. Your idea must not have been made available to the public anywhere in world in any way. An invention is new if it does not form part of the state of the art immediately before the priority date of that invention. The state of the art shall comprise all matter which has been made available to the public by written description, oral description, by use or in any other way.