In the United States intellectual property based businesses and entrepreneurs drive more economic growth than any other sector. Today, counterfeiting, piracy and the theft of intellectual property pose a serious threat to all business owners and entrepreneurs. These threats make it important to protect invention and innovation intellectual property, whether you’re a major multinational company or a small business. While every business is vulnerable to intellectual property piracy and counterfeiting, small businesses can have a particular disadvantage because they lack the resources available to larger corporations. Small business owners often skip the process of protecting their intellectual property. It is essential for small businesses owners to patent ideas or register company / brand names as trademarks. Success in a global economy depends more and more on intellectual property assets.
What is my intellectual property?
Company name, logo, slogan, product name, product logo, any type of branding. These are all potential trademarks and need to be registered so that your business can have exclusive rights to these articles. Inventions such as science inventions, biotech inventions, medical inventions, mechanical inventions, sports equipment inventions, electronic inventions and household inventions. These are all potential patents and need to be registered. Novels, poems, textbooks, letters, reports, lectures, speeches, musical works, paintings, sculptures, drawings, photographs, films, recordings, books and computer related articles such as programming software, scripts and databases are all copyright works subject to copyright protection.
Contact one of our Intellectual Property attorneys for more information regarding services related to IP applications, renewals and litigation in South Africa.