Christina Louw
Patent Attorney
Email: c.louw@svw.co.za
Christina Louw is an Attorney of the High Court and a registered patent attorney at Smit & Van Wyk. Before joining Smit & Van Wyk, she worked as a Product Stewardship specialist for where she was responsible to the safety health and environmental impact of products throughout the products’ life cycle. In pursuing her career in intellectual property, she later worked for other local intellectual property firms where she completed her patent attorney training. She specialises in patent specification drafting, patent searches and legal opinions.
- M.Sc Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- B.Sc (Hons) Biochemistry
- B.Sc Biochemistry and Chemistry
- SAIIPL (Qualified Patent Practitioner)
Areas of Expertise:
- Drafting of patent specifications focussing on mechanical, medical and life sciences related inventions.
- Registered Designs: Industrial designs, product designs, patterns and packaging.
- Litigation: General intellectual property litigation, infringement – and validity opinions and letters of demand, and Plant Breeder’s Rights.