Trademark Applications represent marks which distinguishes your goods or services from goods or services of others. Trademark applications in terms of the South African Trade Marks Act No 194 of 1993 and subject to certain requirements may be renewed indefinitely, thereby ensuring the continuity of your brand.
A trademark is registrable if…
It serves the purpose of distinguishing the goods/services of one trader from those of another trader. It does not consist exclusively of a sign or an indication which may serve, in trade, to designate the kind, quality, quantity, intended purpose, value, geographical origin or other characteristics of your goods or services, or the mode or time of their production or of rendering of the services. It has not become customary in your field of trade. It does not represent protected emblems, such as the national flag or a depiction of a national monument such as Table Mountain. It is not offensive or contrary to the law or good morals or deceptive by nature or way of use. There are no earlier conflicting rights.
Trademark Registration Requirements
In order to register your trademark, we require the follwoing information. This is necessary, as one has to file a separate trademark application in each of the classes related to your product(s) / service(s). Trademarks applications are filed at the South African Trademarks Office (CIPC) and foreign trademark registrations may be obtained should you wish to market your product in foreign countries.
Trademark Search
We will advise if a trademark search is required. You should consider doing an international trademark search in each of the countries in which you wish file a trademark registration.
Full names and a copy of ID. Physical and postal address of the applicant.
A copy of your intended trademark (name, slogan or logo). If it is a logo, an electronic copy of the logo must be supplied.
Details of all products or services that you intend applying the trademark to. Describe the relevant goods or services arroding to the Nice Classification of Goods and Services.
Invoice Details
Entity to be invoiced and VAT registration number (if applicable)
Countries to File In
We need to quote on each separate Country or System.