Intellectual Property

Smit & Van Wyk Patent, Trademark & Registered Designs

Zanzibar Trademarks

Zanzibar trademarks are valid for 10 years from the filing date and are renewable every 7 years thereafter. Generally speaking, a trademark is a name, signature, word, letter, numeral, shape, configuration, pattern, ornamentation, colour or container for goods or any combination thereof that is used to distinguish goods or services from those of competitors and others in the marketplace. We provide a full range of Intellectual Property legal services in Zanzibar and all African countries where protection is available. We work with a network of trusted and knowledgeable agents to develop the best possible solution to each of our clients’ needs for trademarks in Africa. Our trademark department specialise in the identification, protection, prosecution and enforcement of trademarks in Zanzibar

Types of Trade Marks: 

  • Goods and services
  • Collective marks
  • Certification marks
  • Series marks

Trade Mark Duration / Renewals: 

10 years from filing date and renewable for further periods of 7 years.

Trademark Filing Requirements

  • Simply signed Power of Attorney
  • Details of the Applicant (full names, physical address, nationality / country of incorporation)
  • Representation of the trademark(s)
  • List of goods and / or services
  • Certified copy of priority document (if applicable)

Nice Classification

The most current edition of the Nice Classification of Goods and Services is followed. The Nice Classification, established by the Nice Agreement, is an international classification for the registration of marks. A new edition is published every 5 years and a new version of each edition is published annually.

International and Regional Systems

Paris Convention

Zanzibar is a member of the Paris Convention where each contracting state must grant the same Intellectual Property protection to nationals of other contracting states, and provides for the right of priority in the case of patents, trade marks and designs. The Paris Convention is an international agreement which helps creators ensure that their intellectual property is protected in other countries. It applies to IP in the widest sense as it covers patents, trade marks and industrial designs to name a few.

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