Why startup businesses need to consider registering their IP rights from the word “GO!”
When starting a new business, making a new product, building a new brand or using a new domain name, the first step that should always be considered is the registration of the various Intellectual Property (IP) rights associated therewith.
Intellectual Property can be described as creations of the human mind. No matter the venture, you either have or will create some forms of IP during the course of development, and because of the time, cost and labour which goes into these developments, you want to ensure that you protect any IP possible. Intellectual property which may come into play may include any combination of: patents, designs, trade marks, copyright, franchising or the like. If something is of value, we can advise you on the best form of IP protection therefor.
It should be kept in the back of your mind, that someone else might have “beaten you to the punch” by already filing a trade mark or patent etc. That being said, many start-up companies unintentionally infringe registered IP rights due to the fact that they are not, themselves, checking the various registers or doing an informal search. Fortunately, we can assist by conducting the necessary due diligence searches on your behalf.
Intellectual Property rights, although considered an intangible asset, will protect your business by protecting your products, brand name and service with patents, trade marks and copyrights etc. Although it is difficult to assign a direct value to IP rights, the true value is often only realised once it is too late. Our team consists of professionals with various types of technical, intellectual property and general law experience, and can guide you to ensure that your business is on the right path from the word “Go!”.
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